Traffic Calming Measures Signs, Speed Bumps and Enforcement

School zones may incorporate traffic calming measures such as speed bumps, speed humps, or speed limit signs to encourage drivers to slow down. These measures contribute to a safer environment around schools by reducing the likelihood of high-speed accidents. School zone controls are often accompanied by increased law enforcement presence to monitor and enforce traffic rules. This helps deter speeding and other unsafe driving behaviors, reinforcing the importance of obeying traffic regulations in school zones.

The Importance of School Zone Traffic Control

By prioritizing student safety, implementing traffic calming measures, and fostering community awareness and engagement, school zone controls contribute to creating a secure environment for children traveling to and from school. These measures are designed to reduce the risk of accidents and enhance the overall safety of school zones.

Student Safety Reduced Speed Limits and Crosswalk Safety

School zone controls often include reduced speed limits during specific times of the day when students are arriving at or leaving school. Lowering speed limits enhances the safety of pedestrians, particularly children, by giving drivers more time to react and reducing the severity of potential accidents. Designated crosswalks and pedestrian crossings within school zones, along with proper signage, help ensure safe crossing for students. School zone controls may include enhanced crosswalk markings, pedestrian signals, and crossing guards to guide students safely across streets.